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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Three Cheers and Three Boos -- 1/9/11

Welcome back to the Adirondack Howler. I will now give my Three Cheers and Three Boos of the week.

Three Cheers of the Week

1) To MSNBC's Keith Olberman for his Special Comment about the tragedy that resulted in the head injury to Congressmember Gabreille Giffords of Arizona. This nine-minute sobering soliloquy should be viewed by everyone and is found at the bottom of this blog.

2) To Congressmember Raul Grijalva for stating that Sarah Palin need to reflect on her own behavior. I hope that Mrs. Palin will keep her mouth shut when the situation warrants.

3) To Randall Amster for his continuing coverage of Arizona with the Giffords shooting. I believe that the Grand Canyon State is the new battleground in the recognition for Civil Rights for everyone in the 21st century following Montgomery, Little Rock, Greensboro, Selma, and Memphis.

Three Boos of the Week

1) To Fox News for cutting away from a vigil for Congressmember Gabrielle Gifford to prevent viewers from hearing criticisms leveled at Sarah Palin for her incendiary conduct. John Amato of Crooks and Liars has the video here .

2) To Arizona Senator Jon Kyl for calling the candid remarks of Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik inappropriate. I must ask myself if it is appropriate for Mr. Kyl to continue serving in the U.S Senate. The story about Kyl is found here .

3) To Sarah Palin for creating the situation that led to the shooting of Congressmember Gabrielle Giffords with the crosshairs on her Congressional District on her website. Adding to the irresponsibilty, she removed the crosshair map from her site. This act can lead me to believe that there is one word lacking in her vocabulary -- accountability.

That is all for now. I will continue to post stories from the Giffords shooting at least for the next week.
This is the Adirondack Howler signing off one day after the shooting of Congressmember Gabrielle Gifford. It is also the 354th day after the Citizens United decision in the Supreme Court which opened the spigots of corporate cash and poisoned the well of our democracy.

Until next time - Good night and good luck.

Video of the Week -- 1/9/11

My choice for Video of the Week is the Special Comment given by MSNBC's Keith Olberman on his countdown show last night about how we as a nation must change our political rhetoric in order to prevent another tragedy involving a legislator. The video is found at the bottom of this blog.

I will return with Three Cheers and Three Boos of the Week.

What's On My Mind -- 1/9/11

Greetings from the land of the progressives. This is the Adirondack Howler for Sunday, January 9th, 2011. This week I was planning to talk about the antics of the upcoming 112th Congress which opened this past Wednesday. It has taken a backseat to a tragedy that happened in a parking lot of a Safeway supermarket on Saturday. Six people died in a shooting and nineteen were injured. One of the injured was Congressmember Gabrielle Giffords of the 8th Congressional District who was shot in the head. She survived after hours of surgery and was able to communicate. However, her recovery is expected to be long and arduous. After hearing this, I was thinking and then asking myself why someone would resort to violence to solve the problems that beset this nation, especially the economic troubles facing the weakening middle class.

I want to say that I have no respect for anyone on the right but I do not resort to violence because I regard these people as human beings. I wish there was a way to massage and alleviate the pain and suffering and building bridges to people who may not agree with them on the issues of the world.

This weekend I started to come to terms with this tragedy by reading various articles. Three of them were carved indelibly in my mind. The first from today's deals with the tragedy in terms of a contiuance of a dark era for the Grand Canyon State that started with the issue with immigration and Arizona's SB1070 anti-immigration legislation. The piece by Randall Amster is found at .

The second story by Karen Dolan talks about how the violence killed an innocent bystander, a nine year old by the name of Christina Taylor Green who was born on September 11, 2001. She had dreams of going into the world of politics when she becomes an adult. A neighbor brought her to the event at the supermarket but Miss Green will never return home thanks to the killer, 22-year old Jared Lee Loughner. Dolan's article is found in today's at the following location : .

The third article is how Sarah Palin needs to feel some responsibility for this tragedy by setting up violent imagery on her website. This consisted of crosshairs on a map of the United States. Each crosshair is a Congressional District "targeted" for some kind of defeat. Giffords' district was one of 20 Congressional Districts that were on that map. According to the piece, fellow Congressmember Raul Grijalva says Palin needs to look at her own behavior. The story appears in today's by The Nation's John Nichols and is found at .

I will return shortly with my choice for Video of the Week.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Three Cheers and Three Boos of 2010

Three Cheers for 2010

1) To Julian Assange and the staff at WikiLeaks for revealing many of the troubling aspects of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the conduct of our diplomatic corps. I would like the mainstream media and our legislators to change their ways after the leaks of these documents.

2) To Media Matters of America for their constant vigilance of the right-wing propaganda that passes itself as the Fox News Channel. In this day and age, we need an antidote for Rupert Murdoch and his minions day in and day out.

3) To Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont for his consistent profile in courage in serving the people of this nation. His finest hour this year was the eight hour filibuster against the extension of the Bush tax cuts this past month.

Three Boos of 2010

1) To the Fox News Channel for its constant misformation to the general public. Friday's article in provides evidence of Fox's misdeeds. The story can be found at .

2) To the Supreme Court for the Citizens United decision that opened the spigots of corporate cash and poisoned the well of our democracy.

3) To Carl Paladino, the GOP candidate for Governor of New York for his incitement to violence during this year's campaign, especially in his speech about the Legislature and his confrontation with New York Post columinst Fred Dicker.

That is all for now. This is the Adirondack Howler signing off on the 346th day after the Citizens United decision in the Supreme Court which opened the spigots of corporate cash, poisoning the well of our democracy.

Good night and good luck.

Video of the Week -- 1/2/11

Before I give my Three Cheers and Three Boos for 2010, I want to give you the Video of the Week. This is a clip from the Real News Network. The interview with Jeanette Wicks-Lim, a assistant research professor at the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst talks about the idea of combining a increase in the minimum wage with modifications in the earned income tax credit policy to produce a living wage for this country. The talk is conducted with The Real News' Senior Editor Paul Jay.

The clip is found at the bottom of this blog.

Top 10 Stories for 2010

Greetings from the land of the progressives. This is the Adirondack Howler for Sunday, January 2nd, 2011.
I hope that everyone had a joyous and safe holiday but before I close 2010 I would like to give you my top 10 stories of 2010. So much has happened over the past year that this task is a challenge. I am up to the challenge and I will start with #10.

#10 -- Mountaintop Removal in the region of Appalachia -- one of the most dangerous and environmentally harmful ways to meet our energy needs

#9 --  Drone wars in Pakistan/war in Afghanistan -- these wars are a waste of money and people -- I hear the ghosts of the fall of Saigon

#8 --  The battle over Health Care -- even though major legislation passed in this Congress, the battle over universal health care (Medicare for All) is far from over

#7 --  BP Oil Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico -- if anyone thinks drilling for petroleum is a good idea after the April 20th catastrophe, could these people give me a good explanation?

#6 --  The siege of the people of the Gaza Strip -- after more than two years of punishment by a certain state who is led by a man named Netanyahu, when will the world say enough is enough?

#5 --  The Economy -- actual unemployment about 20%, 3 million families losing their homes, megaprofits for the financial sector -- What is wrong with this picure?

#4 --  Climate Change -- major firestorm in Russia, floods in Pakistan, the past decade the warmest in millions of years, little progress made at the Climate Summit in Cancun -- Will people wake up to face this problem before the planet suffers immeasurable damage?

#3 --  The 2010 Elections -- voting for people who will take us on a one-way ticket to misery

#2 --  Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission -- the Supreme Court decision that opened the spigots of corporate cash and poisoned the well of our democracy.

#1 --  Julian Assange and the staff at WikiLeaks -- for doing the service that mainstream journalism declined to provide, especially the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the behavior of our diplomats abroad

These are my top 10 stories for 2010. I will return shortly with my Three Cheers and Three Boos of 2010.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Video of the Week -- Christmas 2010

Welcome back to the Adirondack Howler. I have made my pick for Video of the Week. It is an interview with Les Leopold, author of the book Looting of America, that was aired on RT America and found on You Tube. Leopold believes that Wall Street should pay for the country's economic mistakes.

The video clip is found at the Vidoe of the Week section of this blog, located at the bottom of the page.

I will give my Three Cheers and Three Boos in next week's post. Unlike my weekly cheers and boos, I will be giving my Three Cheers and Three Boos of the Year.

That is all for now. This is the Adirondack Howler signing off on the 327th day since the Citizens United decision in the Supreme Court which opened the spigots of corporate cash and poisoned the well of our democracy.

I wish everyone a safe and peaceful holiday.

Until next time, good night and good luck.